Become a member
Discover the benefits of connecting with like minded people
Our membership options
Full member
$40 per annum
With your annual membership you’ll be able to:
Influence change for neurodiversity.
Access a community who you can trust will focus on your strengths.
Get support to set up a “closed group” of neurodivergent colleagues at your workplace. Creating a safe and private space to share experiences & collaborate.
Access expert support for neurodiverse-related workplace issues.
Vote at annual general meetings and special general meetings.
Concession member
$10 per annum
If you are a student, unemployed or experiencing financial hardship, you can get access to all the perks of a full membership at a subsidised rate.
Affiliate member
No annual fee.
As an affiliate member you can:
Influence change for neurodiversity.
Access a community who you can trust will focus on your strengths.
Get Believe:NeuroDiversity to provide support materials to your organisation.
For our terms of membership, please read our membership policy here.